Sunday, September 2, 2007


it's so painful. it wasnt this bad ytd. but nw.. it definitely got worse. my left eye.. man.. started on sat.. juz a little painful.. i tot it'll go away. then this morning, it's painful when i merely blink. nw.... don blink also painful alr. i think it's a bak jiam. wanted to go see doc, but all clinic closed le.. o man.. and juz nw went out, only wore contact lens on one side. really cannot risk wearing lens on the left eye. tmr how???? my specs cannot make it la.. haven invest in a presentable one.. really do not wish to wear specs to work. but wearing only one side is not a solution too lei. half can see, half cannot see also very xing ku. somemore must face com whole day.. the only solution..... is to get an mc and stay hm tmr! lol.. see tmr how.. if still so painful, then really bobian. hope the chrysathemum i drank juz nw will help. it's really painful.. cant even open fully nw. gosh..
juz nw went to colleague's baby's full mth celebration. whahaha.. such a small little baby. next sunday, also got baby's full mth. ian chow's baby girl. wahhahaha.. so many newborn babies. yr of the pig?? hahah..
ahhh... my eye's really hurting! pls make it go away!
woo.. and on sat, i was a really gd gf. went all the way to jurong juz to meet tt fat boy. then went town and shopped for baby presents. then the boy started feeling unwell again. gei kiang.. tld him go see doc long b4 tt, but simply refused. but i can really see/feel tt he's unwell la. so i also don wanna be nasty. accompanied him go see doc and bought food for him to eat at the food court. and at nite, when his fever's gone and he felt hungry all over again, i cooked him noodles to relief his hunger! hehe.. so fat boy, stop complaning tt i don care and tt i never go to ur place to "fetch" u. this time i did le horr! heheh.. and tt doc he went to consult.. so ex, 40bucks! but then according to hubb, the medicine's really gd. he started sweating like hell after eating and then he felt much better le. only aft 2 hrs and the fever subsided le. power...
and i also wanna thank this fat boy la. though he's unwell, he still accompanied me to shop (not w/o complaints of cux). and bought me many things tt i will need in the office.heheh.... a cushion, a mirror, slippers and a hand rest. save me some money! hehehe~
and i guess.. my left eye mite be a retribution... retribution for laughing at my hubb for being so nua, every nw and then will fall sick.. for calling him marshmellow cuz so nua, so easy fall sick.. and for boasting tt i seldom fall sick .. o man... i shouldnt have been so nasty and proud.

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