Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HaPpY LanTeRn FesTiVaL

it's lantern festival! wahahha.. actually nothing so exciting la. in fact, over the yrs, lantern festival seems to be less and less re4 nao4. i remembered when i was younger, during lantern festival, near the mkt there, there will be celebrations goin on. got bbq sessions and free lanterns and candles to be given out. then there'll be many pple playing lanterns and candles and the whole place will be sooo bright. but recent yrs, no more such celebrations le. juz nw walked passed the spot.. got kids playing la, but not as many already.
i used to celebrate lantern festival too. i remembered when i was real young, i used to take part in those lantern parade. tt kind where many many pple will hold lanterns and walk together. haha.. i remembered at that time, there was this "most beautiful lantern" award competition or something like tt.. then dad used to bring me for those parades.. but i cant really remember le.. v v vague alr..
then there was a yr.. when i was still in pri sch.. i remembered wanting to meet a gal who stays near me to play lantern. but in the end she did not show up and i played with another gal instead. something like tt de.. again, really vague already.
but there was something tt i will always remember. there was a year.. when i was still in sec sch... after sch... me and my dear old frens shimin and wanling wanted to go somewhere to celebrate lantern festival. but somehow... we ended up at the wooden benches at my void deck chatting. it's like soo off lorr.. lantern fest yet the 3 of us, in our uniforms, sitting at void deck chatting. haha.. wad a way to spend the fest. i believe this silly incident will always remain in our minds. sooo memorable.
and every yr, ma will still buy me a lantern. haha.. i guess in her eyes, im forever a kid?

*tt's my lantern for this yr. interesting le ba? haha ~

and today.. im really really tired at work. and for the 1st time, time seemed to pass extraordinarily slow. i wonder why....

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