Tuesday, September 4, 2007


retribution really do exist. juz on sat i was boasting to hubb on how strong im, how seldom i fall sick, and how not often i need to see a doc. and the next day... i had to consult a doc. wad irony. pls do not laugh at pple or show off/boast gd things tt u possess becuz retribution do happen!
my eye's much better as compared to ytd. nw at least can open w/o much difficulty. ytd it was swelling and keeping it fully open is painful. nw not as painful le though it's still a little painful. haii.. this bak jiam thing.. i never had it b4. don know y this time i kenna. too heaty? cannot be lei.. true i've been munching on chips and not consuming veg and fruits.. but.. in the past i used to eat even more heaty food like sambal stingray, steamboat etc.. so i really do not think it's my diet. maybe it's the eye cosmetics? or contact lens? never knw tt bak jiam is soo painful. and.. i heard tt once bak jiam comes, it will often come. o man.. scary... it's as if i was kenna punched in the eye. arhh..
mc for 2 days.. paisay.. started work less than 1 mth and alr mc 2 days. lol~ .. and .. haii.. the more i rest at home, the more reluctant to go back to work. real sian. and.. gotta wear specs.. omg!
these 2 days, stayed at home and rest. but time @ home seemed to pass slower than @ work. finally finished watching the hk drama - 溏心风暴 and finished reading the storybk tt i borrowed so long ago. i extended the overdue date and had to pay $0.50 for the renewal fees. and nw, it's way passed the new overdue date.. $0.15 per day for overdue item. haii.. spent almost $2 juz to finish the bk.. alrite, it's my fault for reading the bk so slow. haii..
im feeling a little feverish nw, thou the thermometer shows im not having a fever. and my nose is itchy and my throat also itchy. hmm.. today i must make it a pt to slp early. 10pm. yes, i must slp at 10pm!! tmr must jiayou all over again! jiayou jiayou jiayoU!!!!!

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