Friday, September 21, 2007


i actually wanna blog on my bday.. but some pics were taken with bro's camera and he took the camera with him.. hence cannot d/l.. nw only got pics tt were taken with my camera. so shall wait till all the pics r available then blog ba.
nw blog abt work ba. hmm.. work's getting better alr. i'm getting the hang of it. colleagues also getting better. everything is fine at the mmt. again, the only concern is the self-value-adding part. it's really a simple job and doesnt really add to my resume. i don knw where i can go frm here. wonder wad am i going to say in my next interview.. how to let the next employer knw tt wad im doing nw is useful to them...
mmm.. but at the mmt, im doing fine. the job is ok, the pay is ok, the pple is ok, everything is ok. wad else am i asking for? i must at least stay on the job for half yr. earn the money 1st. tt's the v v least. after half yr, then c hw. who knows? scully v soon i'll get promoted and will be doing challenging stuff ?! hhaaha..
it's late.. im getting cranky again.
and.. im really tired these days. i looked into the mirror.. am i ageing? or rather, am i ageing at an incred speed? the dark rings under my eyes, the puffy eyes, the pale face and lip color..
ok.. i know i deserve it. i am the one who chose such a lifestyle...slowly slogging my life away.
but, i know.. when i spend on things i like and i want, everything is worth it.
yes. i know.

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