Thursday, September 6, 2007

AveRaGe DaY

today did OT again. had no intention to de, but when i finished my stuff, it's already 6.45pm.. since tt's the case, mite as well stay for 1 more hr to earn the extra bucks, rite?? and so i stayed lorr... actually time passes v fast during OT. think i'll do more in future. can earn more. 2 days per wk? but 2 days per wk, the extra bucks earnedn is not much lei.. then 3 days a wk like abit xiong.. mmm.. see how ba.. scully say soo much, in the end, as time goes, i cannot even tahan 1 day OT. lol~
still don feel well. cough is getting worse. and my nose too. haii... need to consult a doc soon le.. lucky tmr alr friday. TGIF!
nothing happening happened today. juz a normal day. early in the morning got a case, but lucky the guy nice enuff, din give me much trouble. unlike tt damn guy who gave me soooo much trouble. anyway, my colleague alr settled for me. lucky, finally can get off my back. i must really be more careful in future. created so many trouble at work. haii...
as usual, today my record's still red on the board. haii.. when can i get out of it ne?

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