Monday, September 10, 2007


sat was our 3 yrs and 9 mths anniversary date. how time flies.. somehow it feels weird to knw tt at the age of 19, i started dating this fat boy. 18 yrs old.. like soo long ago. and at tt time, this fat boy hasnt even enter ns yet. everything seemed soo long ago.. 3 yrs 9 mths.. not long not short.. hmm.... can only say... TIME FLIES!
anyway, this boy bought me these....
i wonder this is the how many times i told him not to buy me flowers and soft toys. he bought me soo soo soo many soft toys tt there is no choice but to stash them in a box. hubb, how can i make u understand tt no other soft toys can ever ever replace ah kang??? haii.. juz how to make him understand tt if he really wanna buy, buy me something tt is practical? tt i really want? tt i really need? soft toys and flowers... once in a gd blue moon is fine.. but too many is simply a waste of money! hubb ahh... i really appreciate.. but don waste money anymore le, ok??? really really don buy anymore soft toys or flowers le. save the money ba!
and on sat, i finally tried out pepper lunch. ate the salmon set.. mm... ok lar... i find it abit too salty though. and it's definitely heaty. hot piping frm the hot plate.. hmm.. cannot eat too often. and for dinner, i did manage to psycho hubb to eat sushi with me. went to the nihon mura at revenue house. yummy!
on sunday nite went to this 7th mth dinner. hahah.. lotsa food to eat.. and this yr, my glutton hubb came along too. ma went to bid a 25kg packet of rice.. lucky hubb was there to help carry it home.. else really don know how to bring home.. 25kg.. no kidding. hehehe.. hubb, there is no free stuff in this world. juz when u tot there r food for free, u actually gotta pay with ur labour. hehe.. thanks hubb.
on sat also went to see doc. now feeling much much better alr. hehe.. 2 times see doc also foc since co will bear. hhehehe.. and today finally got the medical card le. no need to fill in form anymore. can juz use the card to see doc for free. interestinG!

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