Wednesday, September 26, 2007


tdy went to have my red specs redone. yes, it's their fault and they r going to redo it for me foc. nw gotta wait for another wk b4 i can take it back. and i took the chance to fix some of my old specs. got one fixed and nw, i got another pair of specs to wear le. yeah!
after tt, went to this shop to have my eyebrows trimmed. last sat i already walked passed the shop and was really interested cuz apparently, the customers there had their eyebrows nicely done. but of cuz, those customers were not juz trimming their eyebrows, but is 植眉-ing.. basically is to "input" fake hair into ur eyebrows. i had no intention of doing tt and i'll explain later. but anw, i decided to have my eyebrows trimmed there. and......
it was a bloody wrong decision.
throughout the whole trimming process, the 2 ladies were pyschoing me to do the 植眉. and... the way they used to psycho, was to tell me how bad my eyebrows looked! said my eyebrows r soooooo thin till they cannot be seen, and tt the hair are soooo fine. then said the bone at my eyebrow there is tutted out.. v difficult to draw nice brows. then my face shape is broad and tt i got big nose. all these were still fine. the most frustrating thing was................ she said im conservative! she said she's even more open than me and tt im old-fashioned (not the exact words, but is tt meaning!) and plain.. she said i should learn how to doll myself up and spending $150 on the eyebrows is definitely worth the money. and... and..... and.................................she said "你是马来西亚人horr........"
i got nothing to say.
i will rather burn the $150 than to let them go into her pocket.
and... the trimming was not well done at all! i should have juz gone back to the shop i went the prev time.
it doesnt pay to be adventurous.
and... of cuz i will not be silly enuff to 植眉 at tt kind of shop. needles pocking into the skin.. don even know if they sterilised the needles.
but 植眉 is not a bad idea. i agree with them tt eyebrows are v impt. and i really sucks at drawing brows. it will be nice if my eyebrow can permanently be in a nice shape. hmm.. but where will be a gd, safe and cheap place to do it?
towards the end of the day, kidda lose temper with hubb. haii. dont knw why.. think im too tired le. and my legs hurt frm walking so much in the high heels. these days, im always tired when i go out with him. he's complaining already. but no choice leii.. been working for the whole day, of cux tired de, rite? and.. hubb seemed to be getting more and more intolerable with my shopping habits. nw shopped for a while he also bu shuang le. haii.. sad..

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