Wednesday, September 12, 2007


im now leading a life which hubb refers to as "no life". o well... tt's wad he tot.. but i think it's great. basically im planning to work at least 2 OT per week, tuition on wed and sat, and back to just education on sunday. hahha.. nutcase? actually not.. anyway, stay at home also nothing to do and no one ask me out. mite as well use the time to do something more constructive, which is to.... earn money! it's a great feeling to have money coming in frm different sources at different timings and it's great to knw tt every min, money is coming in. always looking forward to the payday of each source. so though a little tiring and rather no life, im still happy.
but i knw this very packed lifestyle will not last v long. 1stly, the kids will be having their exams soon. after exams, most prob they will put a stop to their tuitions. so there goes my tuition income. and nw, since im still quite new, im still enthu in the job. i believe v soon, i'll get sooo sick and tired, tt i cant wait to go home at 6.30 on the dot. so there goes my OT pay. and just education.... soon, i'll be too tired to work on sunday. anw, the pay is not much.. juz going back since they really needed my help. maybe after september, they got enuff manpower, then they do not need me anymore and there goes my part-time income. then i'll be back to one job, one income le.....
but till then, i'll still continue to work hard. 5 weekdays -- 2 days OT, 1 day tuition, and i still got 2 days to go home eat dinner and acc family or go out with frens. hubb will take sat afternn after his and my tuition. gd planning yea? v money-faced hor? haha... :)

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