Monday, August 6, 2007

My JC MaTes

yesterday met up with my jc mates - bee and jon. supposed to have zh too.. but that guy last min back out due to flu. went to eat at billy bombers. heheh..

tt's jon and beehubb and jon

me and bee!

ok.. this pic.. jon was trying to accomdate the camera.. but ended up with a weird expression and weird head angle. hahah..

these guys have been my frens for 5 years le.. how time flies.. bee was in the same class as me.. jon and zh were frm my 1st 3 mths class.. then hubb and zh later ended up in the same class after 1st 3 mths. and.. all of us joined the same cca - table tennis. complicated? anyway, they r one of the v few frens whom i maintain contact with frm jc. really do cherish them. do meet up constantly frenx! and.. all the v best in wadever u all r endeavoring.. bee with her v challenging work.. and the guys with their v impt tiertiary studies. jiayou all!

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