Tuesday, July 31, 2007


after 3 years.. on 24th july 2007.. i finally offically bid goodbye to my undergraduate days. i still remember tt the 1st time i stepped into the nanyang auditorium,it was for the freshmen orientation. i remembered clearly tt the dean cogratulated us.. and he called us the "graduating class of 2007". at tt pt of time, i was thinking to myself... "pls lorr.. now i juz stepped in as a freshie.. juz started uni.. and u already happily call us 'the graduating class of 2007'... still long b4 2007 comes and i can grad lorr..." who knoes..3 years.. it juz went like tt..
only got 2 tix .. but i had 5 pple coming. lucky in the end, sis, bro-in-law, and hubb still made it into the auditorium even though they had no tix.. haha... else i'll feel soo bad making them wait outside.. ok.. pics time!


dearest papa & mama. i hope i've made them proud.

ah ji and bro-in-law. i know sis is proud of me.. she told me.. hehehhe *blush*

and hubb! wad's tt white spot on his pants..think is the camera prob..

all except my brother. boo~ never gimme face! anyway, thanks to them who took leave and time off to come attend my convo.. early in the morning and soo far away. heheh. :)

IT gang..

inside the nanyang audit. throughout the 3 years... i only went in twice. once on the freshmen orientation.. the next was graduation.. haha.. how extreme..

fyp mates.. too bad din managed to take all us 3 together with our prof. he was there during the ceremony.. but after e ceremony don know where he went. we tried looking for him but to no avail. called his hp but a lady answered.. boo.. too bad...

the marketing class. marketing was the v v 1st class we attended. so these pple r the v v 1st few pple i came into contact with when i entered uni.

b4 going to esplanade.. we went had our fill @ billy bombers @ jurong pt.. ermm.. don say i sua ku.. but it's the 1st time i ate at billy. hahahah... quite nice actually.. esp the corn soup.. yum~

tada! with the "durian shells"

with the skyscapers.. we'll all be successful women in the society!

hhaha.. the jumping shots.. nt too bad lar horr...

nice formation

ambitious outlook
the crescent girls

inside esplanade

photographers for the day.. ah yan's bf and hubb.. who happened to be childhood frens and staying in the same block... how small the world can be rite?? hahahah
actually convo really nothing much. juz names after names being called onto the stage. lucky they did not differentiate the classes of degree. haha.. lastly.. i wanna specially thank hubb.. for driving me ard and staying to help us take pics.. he had an exam the next day.. but he still stayed and went esplanade with us. took up so much of his time, when he could actually go home and study. thanks hubb. and i know recently.. u r quite bothered and angry with me.. becuz i ***.... i know how u feel.. but... sometimes.. really cannot blame me also lei. i also don know y like tt. haii... gimme some time ba.. and.. pls don be angry and let tt affect our relationship ok. it really does not mean anything lorr.. i still love u.. there's no doubt ok.

thanks hubb

and last but not least.........................

我毕业了 !!!!!

Congrats Huiping! YOU ARE THE BEST!

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