Monday, August 20, 2007

101th PosT

this is the number 101 entry of my blog. hehe..
met up with ntu frens after work. supposed to have 8 of us. but in the end only 4 turned up. boo!!! ate at this la mian xiao long bao restaurant in citylink... the asian kitchen's the name, if i recalled correctly. after tt we all lombang ah yan's cab, since she can claim frm her co. hehee.... thanks ah yan.
work's as usual, still ok. hasnt bored me to death yet. but i guess it wont take too long. juz now discussion with frens, we more or less came to a conclusion tt one wont last long on the 1st job. my explanation is tt, most of the times, fresh grads like us r desperate. so watever jobs tt r reasonable, we'll grab. but when we really start on the job, then we'll realise the flaws of the job, be it the pay, the pple, the culture, the learning opps or watsoever. and juz now, yl mentioned tt she envies those who r still schooling. for me, i still prefer working life than school life. but then, i have a feeling tt v soon, i'll wish i were back in school again. anw, nw only the start of my 2nd wk. seriously there's nothing to comment. must wait till at least a mth, then can see if i really can enjoy the job not. so wait ba.
and, somehow, when one is working, one will wish to study more. it's weird. it's like when ur studying, u wish u can say bye bye to studying life 4eva. but when u come out to work, u will wish tt u had study more. im thinking of taking a 2nd degree. juz to value-add myself and open myself to more opportunities. but this 2nd degree, it will be a totally diff field frm my ntu deg. maybe psy, maybe socio, maybe hr. but now is definitely not the time. afterall, i juz left sch. at this v mmt, i have no wish at all to touch bks again. maybe a few years down the road ba. when im sick of working life le, then can take up some studying to motivate myself. but then, as i know myself soo well, most of the time, it's juz ATANA -------------- All Talk And No Actions. Oppppsssss..........

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