Wednesday, August 29, 2007

CoLd WaR

haha.. finally ended the cold war with tt fat boy. well.. maybe this time it's my fault. but cant really blame me. i was angry, tt's y i did not care. i did not mean it. so pls stop complaining tt i do not care and tt im not a gd gf. hmm.. i admit most of the time, im nasty. but there r times when im really nice too, rite? remember harry potter? haii.. whenever u think tt i don treat u gd, then try and think of the gd times when i do treat u gd ok? everything also got ups and downs de rite? i cannot always be nice, but i wont always be nasty too, yea? hehe.. don angry with me le la hubby dear. sincerely apologise to u. and i hope it was purely me being over-suspicious. u better not lemme know tt u lied or is lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
been quite some time since we had such a long cold war. hmm... when can both of us be mature enuff to avoid conflicts? but then again, how can a relationship be a relationship if there is no conflict at all? it's unhealthy. yep, it's gd to have quarrels and wars at times. haha.. lousy theory..
today im finally left on my own at work. hmm.. not too bad la. well, it's juz a job. don take it too hard. time do passes v fast though. after a while, lunchtime alr. then after another while, knock off alr. tian ahh... so scary.. time is passing far far too fast.
and.... im missing it ALL OVER AGAIN. o man... i hope.. there will be a chance @ yr-end. i wish. time to work harder!!!

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