Friday, July 20, 2007

The 1sT ExPeRieNcE

yesterday was a special day. cuz it was the first time i sat in a car drove by my bf. and yesterday, it was his 1st time driving after he got his license last week.i will be lying if i said im not worried abt sitting in his car. he has never been on expressways b4 lor. and i'm his very 1st passenger and i know nothing tt can help him in case he got prob driving.. so i was really worried. but then.. the worry was proven to be unnecessary. usually i will suan him, 扁him, 踩him until 一文不值, but this time, i really must admit he's v gd. totally no sign of a 1st-time driving. im really impressed.

the boy

another 1st time was... hehe.. i drove as well! hahaha.. no la.. not drove la.. i not so daring and reckless k.. juz tried to move forward and reverse only. don report me yea. hee.. fun!

looking foward to the day when i can drive too!
im really inspired now. time for me to go get a license too! but for someone who can even fail basics.. i don know how long it will take before i finally obtain 1. totally demoralised after failing basics and hence have no motivation to take again. or rather, i wanna be fully prepared b4 i go take again. it's no joke failing it twice! failed once already kenna mocked by frens(including hubb! argh!) liao.. no way i will fail it again. but then, it was seriously not my fault lor. i think i was juz too complacent. did not really study for it.. cuz it's so commonsensical lor.. who knows.. hai.. okok.. stop finding excuses for myself. fail means fail! and.. i suspect i got hand-and-leg coordination problem. yesterday while trying to drive, apparently i cant seem to conc both at the same time. diao.. i cannot imagine how to take care of the leg, hand, and the traffic all at the same time. ok.. i am a loser.

behind every successful man stands a woman??
yep. congrats to hubb once again. glad u finally achieved something u wanna and worked hard for. jiayou and don be complacent!!!!
later going to work again. besides having to relief a class at 8pm, i don know wad else is there to do. apparently most parents would have already make payment by now. so today i don expect too many pple making pmts. mm... so wad else is there to do? hopefully it wont be a sian day like monday. and hubb's going to drive me to work today. it's soooo gd to have a car. i must really jiayou le !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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