Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another TyPe of Class

today i took a sec 2 english class. unlike the hell class that day, today's class was much better. in fact, abit too quiet. actually if the whole class is very quiet and not responsive, it is also very sian. it's like you talk and talk and talk but they cannot be bothered with you. i tot of making some jokes to make the atmosphere lighter but decided not to because in the event of 冷场, i will be the malu one. can u imagine u tot u'd made a funny comment but apparently no one laugh and no one gave any response? it's super paisay lor. to save me from tt kind of embarassement, i just deliever the class w/o trying to be funny.
and i simply cannot stand students who show a pissed-off face. act like i owe them anything like tt lorr.. so bu shuang then don come to class la. come to class and show attitude.. irritating...
whenever i teach, i'll think of many ex-teachers. jc teachers, sec sch teachers, pri teachers.. i finally can understand y some teachers did things tt they did.i finally understand how a teacher feels when faced with different classes with different attitude. if time can turn back, i would be a student with qualities tt i hope my students can possess ie. responsive, attentive, willing to learn. but too bad.. time will never go back. which is gd too.. cuz i neber wanna be a student again! hahah!
tmr's monday again. bet it's gonna be a boring day @ work. lucky can do marking.. else don know wad to do le.

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