Monday, July 9, 2007

Still No ConcLuSiOn

prestige, money, and future.. which one will you choose? y cant have all three @ the same time? why some have these but lack in those. then some have those but lack in these. i guess things r jux like tt. u want this, then u'll have to sacrifice tt. u want tt, then u have to let go of this. u cant have this and tt and everything at the same time. maybe can... but im not so juz not so lucky.. 鱼于熊掌不能兼得... yah....我明白的...
today's supposed to be my 1st day to my 1st permanent job. yet i did not go. haii.. y did it started this way? all those anticipation and excitement of starting on the new job. all those new shoes and clothes tt i've bought specially for this day.. all have to wait le.. haii
on sat went to collect my convo gown. i was never excited abt convo. i even considered not attending @ all. but tt day, after i tried on the gown, i suddenly grew v excited and proud. don know y.. the magic of tt gown and tt hat.. hahah... another 2 weeks time.. then i'll officially be a graduate. officially say byebye to uni and study life le. mm... 24/7/07.. officially puts a full stop to my 15 yrs of continuous education. woo... and.. anybody have gd recommendations on where to take those professional photos? the prices quoted by tt studio which i collected my gown frm like abit too steep lei.. i don know wad's the norm prices... but offhand, it seemed quite steep. shall do a research soon..

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