Saturday, July 14, 2007

WorKinG oN a SaTuRdAy

boohoo.. 1st time working on a saturday. full time sat. tmr also full day. boo.. but the time passes really fast la. today learnt new things again. how to receive payment, how to handle withdrawal, how to make refund etc. quite fun. when there's no customers, there's no customers. but when there are, they all come at the same time! cuz those pple who wanna make payment or enquiry abt stuff, they will come juz b4 their classes start. so whenever it's around the time for a class to start, there are bound to be many pple waiting to make payment or make enquiry. my colleagues told me today not tt bad liao.. there r times when the customers gotta queue all the way till outside! hah.. maybe im new ba, so many things still learning and tt's y time passes v fast. interesting to learn new things. but then, all these still v simple stuff la. still haven got a taste of the real real working world. how i wish i can be a part-timer, doing simple stuff forever.... v no ambitions horr??
tmr got to take a class. p6 english. looked thru the materials and tried the questions myself and............................. i got a few mistakes! shit... how to explain to the class tmr when i got the questions wrong myself?!!!! jialek.. "has been" and "had been" - when to use which one huh?? wan dan le......
and juz now... on the way home... took 176.. and.. i missed my bus stop cuz i fell asleep! went all the way to bukit merah n i din realise until someone tapped me on my shoulder to wake me up! lucky man.. else kenna shouted by the bus driver liao.. save me the malu-ness... heng ar..
and i hate hubb! i am soo angry with him! we were supposed to meet after my work but he smsed me and said he's too tired to meet! wahh.. best lorr.. tired then don wanna meet me lor. im also tired ma.. yet i still can meet u lorr.. fine.... 3 years 7 mths.. as far as i can remember, this is the 1st time he did such a thing to me! maybe he doesnt love me anymore.. don wanna meet me anymore.. fine.. to punish u, i shall not put ur pic on my blog this time round! u BIG FAT LAZY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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