Tuesday, July 3, 2007


things r always unexpected.. tt bank's interview with the hr personnel... the one which i tot was super cui and cmi... they actually called back n made me an offer.. diaoo..... juz when i'd already signed the contract and more or less ready to start on the new job. why....
terms offered r better... (actually juz pay wise, benefits all these i don know).. working hours apparently shorter (but of cuz, bank don know need to "stay back" or not)... and of cuz... more prestigious...
but... i thought of the pple who interviewed me.... for the bank.. for the 1st interview, there was a man and a lady. the man wore no smile at all.. super stern and boring face.. the lady, an old one, was better. some laughter at least. then.. i remembered those who interviewed me at the tuition centre. also a man and a lady. lady interviewed me 1st, then went to another rm to be interviewed by the guy. the diff is i don feel stressful at all.. they were v nice pple.. laugh, joke, explaining their company's vision and stuff to me and eventually i started joking with them too.. and they made me an offer rite on tt day. i don care if they r short-handed or wad.. at least they see the quality in me and made me an offer st rather than ask me wait then 2nd interview blah blah blah.. to me, it's sincerity lor. and the terms they offer me.. it juz show the sincerity..
ma and pa and hubb said since i already signed the contract, i shld not change my mind now. on the other hand, colleagues at dp told me to jump and advised me on the various ways on how to "legally break the contract". confuse once again. i knw there r many ways to go abt it if i really wanna break the contract and change to the bank's job. but.. i really don wanna be a bastard and i really don wanna do this to the tuition centre. but the bank.. it will open me to the bnf sector, and higher pay and better prestige. mmmmmmm.. sometimes.. not having any options might not be a bad thing... i guess..

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