Monday, July 30, 2007

CommuniTy BonDiNg DaY

yesterday my community celebrated the "community bonding day",held right at the void deck of my block. the guests of honour were the mps of the tanjong pagar area and............... PM lee! haha.. such a rare chance tt someone of such high rank will come to my area and right at my block. therefore, being a kpo, i purposely took half day leave to go take a look at him.

there were stalls selling things being set up and he was walking along the stretch and shaking the hands of pple. and so.. i ended up like a little fan busy going ahead of him so tt i can see him front view. not too bad for my effort since i managed to take real close-up shots of him.
but my main motive is not to take pics of him or shake hand with him... but to....

take a pic with him! and i did it!

c'mon on lorr.. i forgo the chance for me to earn money.. of cux must achieve my ultimate aim of taking a pic with him.. though it's really quite paisay cuz apparently no one asked to take a pic with him and there were so many pple looking.. mm... abit malu.. but then.. rare chance leii.. how often can u see him in real, rite? saw tt guy in blue behind? think he's one of the bodyguards. quite a number of them. all tall and big build and put on those stern faces. duh... and.. now then i realised pm lee is so tall. think even taller than hubb since i can reach hubb's ear but i can only reach pm lee's neck..

and ... i managed to take a pic with one of the mp also..

haha.. cant stand myself.. maaaluuuuuu!!

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