Sunday, June 21, 2009


finally one sunday whereby im totally free at home. past few sundays have been going out for dinner.. finally today i can juz slack at home whole day le! no contact lens, no make ups.... im sooo free!!!!
im going downstairs to get dinner later (or maybe i shld juz cook instant noodle? tt will save me the hassle of going downstairs.. but more msg = more hair loss? urgh).. then perhaps start on the puzzle. yeah, sunday's supposed to be for puzzle, but i havent start on it tdy.. hee.
or perhaps, i shld juz be a couch potatoe tdy??? but later still gotta sweep and mop the floor. sianz!
and at work, im super super sian now. real tiring. dont know y, but i've lost the fighting spirit. tt day we were discussing on the number of OTs worked so far for this mth. collegue A said 5days, colleague B said 8days. and my answer was 2days. colleague A then said 'wow, that's so unlike u!'.
yes... i admit, tt's so unlike me. usually by the 2nd wk of the mth, i would easily have hit 4days. but now.. haii... i used to work 10+ days ot.. but now, im back to the minimal of 8days. dont know y leh.. really v tired leh.. 1.5 hrs more also cannot tahan liao.
and yesterday was the 1st sat in the soo many 'got-to-work' sats that i felt unjust and angry! y should we be made to work on sats when it was agreed on my contract that it'll be a 5days working standards??!!!! i was soo sian when i woke up that i told mum directly not to talk to me as im v tired. u know, i have to do tt, else i'll definitely flare at her if she starts nagging at me again. so to prevent tt, i better infm her not to talk to me 1st. ha.


so many changes at work. they r really closely monitoring the productivity now. from jan till may, various kinds of results and rankings are being generated. im not the low-performers but neither am i the hi-fliers. and it really doesnt help when there r more and more market-spoilers.


it's soo siann siann siann.. in the past still can slack and wayang.. but now.... every min is used to reach out to more pple and hit more targets.


this is burning me out...


lucky i have the foresight to take half day morning off tmr. i want to sleep in late. i dont care!!



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