Friday, June 26, 2009

ThE DeMisE Of MJ

switched on the radio half-awake and the 1st thing i heard was the news tt michael jackson has passed away.
the last time i heard about him was the rumour that he'd contracted skin cancer.. and now.. juz like tt..
he's not my idol. he's not from my era. but he's sooo famous that u cannot dont know him.
actually, i think he's a very sad figure. i believe he must be someone who's super inferior and insecure given the series of plastic surgeries he'd underwent to 'perfect' himself.
yes, to me, pple who opt for plastic sugeries r inferior becuz u will only go for plastic sugeries when u think u dont look good enuff. and when u think u dont look gd enuff, u will have no confident and no confident = inferior. simple as that.
so to some extent, under my definition, everyone is inferior unless u dare to tell me ur perfectly satisfied with urself to the extent tt u dont need to make up, dont need to diet, dont need to put on nice clothes, dont need to trim ur brow, dont need to go for facial etc.
but of cuz, there's diff level of inferiority. and i think to the extent tt plastic sugeries have to come into the picture is truly quite extreme liao.
anyway, back to MJ, i think looking into the mirror, he already cannot recognise himself.. someone who has lost his true self..who has lost his original identity..
i used to wonder why celebrities can earn so much. but juz give it some tots and u'll know y..
  • have to take care of physical appearance which means STRICT DIET and EXERCISING and if need be, PLASTIC SURGERIES. not forgetting THICK MAKE-UPS! at the end of the day, when the make ups r removed, i believe the stars themselves also cannot recognise themselves.
  • high stress level - enuff exposure? enuff contracts? popularity? sales volumne? competitors??
  • little sleeping time which adds to point 2 and make point 1 even more difficult to achieve becuz we all know little sleeping time = bad skin
  • low privacy - all ur little moves r SCRUTINISED!!! the more popular ur, the worse it'll be!
  • loss of personal time /space - u think they can juz go out and shop like any tom dick or harry?
  • short shelf life - how many can be popular from 20 years old to 65 years old??
  • high spending needs - u dont expect a star to sqz public transport or wear kuku brands or eat at hawker centres.... do u?
glamourous as they r.... i believe being a celeb is one of the toughest thing ever.. hence, they do deserve the amount of money they r getting. and celebs r definitely one of the poorest creatures in the world... losing the true selves behind the limelight..
that reminds me of the song - 小人物的心声.
im glad im a 小人物.

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