Tuesday, June 2, 2009


it's mid-year already!
congrats to all for surviving that half year!
now take some time to think of wad have you done over that past 1/2 year.
did u achieve anything? did u attain any goals? did u hit any targets? are there anything that you've done wrong? anything that needs improvement? anything that u want to change? anything that had happened and had impacted ur life??
if that past 1/2 year hasnt been a good one, then do cherish the next 1/2 year. do not let 2009 go to a waste yeah!
some top mgmt coming down to 'visit' us on thurs. we are told to be ready by 8.45am as he's expected to arrive PUNCTUALLY at 9am and the rank senior officers and above are expected to wear ties (for the males of cuz)..
mm.. kind of reminded me of speech days in school.. how we had to wayang for the arrival of the VIPs..

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