Saturday, June 27, 2009


time to blog on the cruise which took place >1 month back. heheh.. like i mentioned earlier, cruise is really relaxing. no tight schedules, no non-stop walking, no need to search for toilets. own time own target... the only thing tt we need to take note of, will most probably be the meal times. lol ~

~the rooms. actually one room is good enuff for 3 person, cuz there's actually 2 beds and 1 upper deck bed~

~the 1st meal on board. mediteranean buffet~
basically there are a few restauarants on board, some are free, some are not. of cuz, it only makes economical sense to visit the 'free' restaurants, after all, the price is already included in the tickets. they provide 6meals - breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternn tea, dinner, supper. for breakfast, lunch and dinner, u can visit any of the free restaurants during the specific timings. but u can only choose 1 restaurant per meal. for the teas and supper, all are held at the mediteranean restaurant.
went explore around the cruise after our meal...
~my star sign!!!!~
and guess who we saw on board???
~haha, yea, we bumped into hao-yi.. she's there to perform for a show. a v friendly lady~
~look at the background, it's HK!!~

~ spot the boy!!~

finally hunt down the ktv for dad to sing! it's more of a ktv lounge and each table is entitled to 2 songs per round. have to wait damn long b4 it's our table's turn to sing again.. entrance is free, but need to order drinks. but the drinks not tt ex la, reasonable.

~ me.. bit drunk after the cocktail which tastes like medicine. lol ~
after tt was supper time!!!

~wad's the 2 men discussing???~

me and hubb proceeded to the casino after supper. some luck for me cuz i won $50.. but tough luck for hubb cuz he lost $100! he lost in all the 3 rounds which he bet in! haha.. poor thing..

~tt's hubb wallowing in self-pity after losing at the casino! hahahaha~
breakfast at the chinese restaurant. seriously, the food served is not too bad. but i heard in the past they serve even better food.

~for the beverages, only tea is complimentary. tt glass of soya bean costed $5.50! coffee per cup was $6 and we ordered 2 cups w/o knowing. so total was $17.50 for 3 cups of super ordinary drinks!!! stunned ~

*hubb on the slide. lol*


*good weather to get some tan. din get to swim much though cuz the pool was small and many pple. managed to enjoy some jacuzzi though*

after tt, was of cuz, afternn tea time!


actually by the 2nd day, alrady nothing much to do. somemore exploration... and then to lunch!

2nd day lunch was at this western restuarant. i enjoyed the food here most. yum yum!!

after lunch we went play cards in the leisure room.. seriously 3d2n is juz nice.. 1 more day will be quite sian liao..
dinner for day2 was back to the chinese restaurant we went in the morning. there was also bbq buffet dinner going on at the pool area, but mum wanted to eat chinese food, and so we gave the bbq buffet a missed. but we did ate some desserts frm the dinner at poolside.


after all the food, of cuz it's workout time! if i remb correctly, it's already passed 12am le... im FIT!!! hiak.


some more pics taking....

~spot the blue slide which was at the pool??~
yep, all in all, a good experience. next time will try those with landing de... and better still, fly-cruise. the things on board are generally expensive.. one toothbrush + one small tube of toothpaste = $4 and of cuz, my glass of soyabean which is $5.50 ~
but still quite fun lar. juz relaxing lor. eat slack eat slack. but cannot go too often or stay for too many days else sure will gain weight !!

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