Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sat ~

introducing to all my female frens out there (ie, if you still havent know), the combat rations of our saf guys! long heard how yucky they taste... but then.... how yucky can 'yucky' be right??? and so my dearest boy brought 2 packets back for me to try after his ICT. lol~ according to him, he'll rather eat so-da-pian than the rations. bro was ard when hubb came over ytd, and i showed him the food asking 'doesnt this look familiar?' and the 1st reaction he gave me was 'eeee'... ~ haha ~ issit tt horrible?? let me give my 2 cents worth ~
very nicely and compactly packed. comes in 2 packets. one is the main pack and one is the side. basically the main pack includes 2 main meals (as the name goes..) and a packet of dessert. the one tt hubb bought back for me was pasta with chicken and glutinous rice with rendang chicken. actually got a menu de.. i guess diff days diff food ba... looked thru it, not too bad one leii.. as for the side pack, consists of biscuits, various drinks satchets, solid fuel, tissue papers etc.
tt's the chicken pasta! hahahaah.. it's really interesting how they can pack the food into these packets and enhance the shelf lives to a few years.. no plates or wadsoever... juz eat straight from the pack... it's quite creepy to eat directly from the pack... juz feels very weird to eat main course like tt.... and..... it's even creepier to know tt the food was cooked some yrs back~ the tot really spoils the appetite ~

but if you pour it out on a plate, it actually looks okay. juz like normal pastas. the taste also not tt bad lar. juz tt the pasta a little soggy and soft and the chicken too dry ~ but the more u eat... the more 'weird' u feel... i guess i know wad 'yucky' meant le la. but then again, which food will not be yucky if you eat alot of it???? hmmmm ~

maybe try the glutinous rice later. heh~ all in all, not tt bad lar.. juz tt the psychological part a bit hard to overcome. eating something tt has been cooked quite some time back... tt tot is a bit hard to digest. i wonder wad kind and how much preservatives are in there ~~~~~ but really interesting lar.. wad more to expect? got main course, got drinks, got biscuits, even tissues also included.. really v thoughtful le ~



went watch The Incredible Hulk with hubb ytd... if i remembered correctly, the last movie we watched tog was I am Legend. ha ~ eons years ago yeah? no good movies lately leii.. if not for hubb insistence, i wouldnt want to watch Hulk either. quite a crappy movie... seeing 2 huge monsters fighting ....... haii ~~~~ like i say, im never a fantasy person... too practical and realistic i guess. i can never appreciate movies like Lords of the Rings, Harry Potters, Star Wars etc... the kind tt needs a lot of imagination and v far-fetched from real. unfortunately, most block-busters are tt kind of movies.. i guess i can only go for 小品 like comedies or more 'real' movies ~

watched the movie at cathay cineleisure. usually we will go to GV, but this time round, cuz of the free tix, we went watch at cathay. din realise the wide varieties of munchies tt are sold at cathay. seemed to me cinemas r no longer juz a place to watch a movie. we ordered a pizza which was good enuff to be a meal for 1 person. perhaps, in future, cinemas can also sell chix rice, mee siam, laksa and such so tt u can eat and watch at the same time. ha ~ ok, think too much liao ~

our pizza! brought in to us by the vendors slightly after the movie started. hot and yummy!! it's actually quite big, but the pic made it look small.
tt's me and my hubb in the cinema! din realise my phone has the flash light function only until recently. to think tt im holding on to the phone for almost a yr le!!! tech-idiot, tt's me. the flash quite powerful yeeah, ultra dark also can capture ~ hiak ~~

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