Monday, June 23, 2008

FaThErs' DaY + DaY Out wiTh TriCia

fathers' day this year was spent at Nana Thai restaurant at Far East Plaza on 14 June. my suggestion to go there... wide variety of food, reasonable prices... i will strongly recommend~
~the wei da deddy who shaved his hair so tt he can accompany the little gal in the 'hair-growing process'. lol~


and as mentioned, today im on leave. it's really funny. on days when i have to work, how i hope i can juz sleep on and on and on and ignore the alarm clock. but tdy, when i do not have to work, abt 8+ i woke up already. haii~ wad a waste.
i think i juz need a job tt will allow me to sleep till 8.30am. no need till too late. 8.30am will be ideal :)

anyway, took the little tricia out today. went to meet ah ji for lunch at her workplace @ harbourfront. ma and soh soh went too. hiak hiak hiak~ settled at dragon gate for dim sum. after tt shopped for a while jiu went home le. fun experience. sis has this carrier tt is something like a school bag. you juz need to secure the baby, and then can carry the baby ard like how you will carry a school bag. can be quite tiring and aching after carrying for a while though. but tricia is suuucchhhh a darling. sooo cooperative. sooooo cuuutteee !!!

~at the restaurant~


~see?? she loves me!!!~


but it's quite weird lar. cuz i think pple will think tt the baby is mine. i wouldnt want pple to misunderstand and talk behind my back ohhh.. heheh ~

and little tricia can now turn on her own and lie on her belly le. crawling wil be next and slowly, she'll be able to stand and walk le! yeah ~~~ then she'll be more fun to play with le. hiak hiak :)


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