Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Destinated? Or in ConTroL?

on mc for the past 2 days... sore throat, cough, blocked nose, headache................... and...... reluctance to go to work !!
was playing with little tricia when some thoughts came to my mind. actually, all of us started from the same starting point. be it the whites, the blacks, the chineses, the malays, the indians, the diff nationalities, the diff racials........ all of us... all of us on earth, started off being a little baby. we all started at the same starting pt, but how come each and every one of us has a diff path to take?
some pple are good at studying. frm young they excel academically and their routes are more or less towards the brighter side. with the scholarships, they become high-fliers and eventually, leaders in their own industries. examples will be pple like our political figures, doctors, lawyers etc. some pple do not excel academically, or maybe do not even possess paper qualifications at all, but they still can earn big bucks. examples will be those v famous hair-stylists, artistes, hawkers etc. some pple r gd looking, then they can become celeb or models or such.. some are not gd looking, but also can become celeb.... most will become commoners like u and me. or at least, me.
on the darker sides, we have the drug addicts, the rapists, the murderers, the terrorists, the ah lians, the ah bengs, the gangsters, the hopeless.....................
some pple r rich, some r poor. some r gd looking, some r not. some can excel academically, some cannot. some can excel in life, but some r simply stuck. some r kind, some r evil and wicked. some r healthy, some are unhealthy. some r fat, some r slim. some are smart, some are dumb. some are normal, some are abnormal.
the pt is.... if all of us started from the same starting point, y then are there so many different destinations and outcomes??? y then are there pple who are on the bright ends, while some are at the dark ends???
是先天的条件,还是后天的努力??? isit all predestinated??? or issit not?? wad determines wad route one will take??
looking at tricia, i wonder wad will she be like in future. wil she become someone smart and successful?? or will she be pretty and become famous celeb?? or will she become an ah lian and hooligan? can she control her path? does she have a choice as to which path she wants ? is anyone in control of her path?? if no one is in control, does tt mean, it's destinated???
can anyone understand wad im trying to say? can anyone get me?? can anyone answer me?

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