Sunday, June 8, 2008

4.5 YeaRs

tdy is the 4.5years with my dearest fat boy. im going to say the most common phrase tt can be found in my blog le ~ 'how time flies'............. 4.5 years.. quite impressive. hahah.. must jiayou to maintain the r/s... it's never easy.. esp with someone like me... possessive, hot-temper, paranoid, petty, stubborn, spoilt... i also donnoe wad had the fat boy committed to be stuck with someone like me. sometimes i really think he deserves someone better.. someone who will be nicer to him, who will treat him better than me. but o well, since he's stuck with me, it's juz tooooo bad for him! hahahahahh!!!! okok, i should not say till im like totally useless like tt. at times, im also v nice to him de... horrrr horrrrr???

anyway... we've decided to start saving together.. actually, v long ago, we also save together de.. but becuz of the many reasons, it stopped. if it never stopped, i think by now we should have saved quite a bit of money le. anyway, it's neber too late to start.. or rather, to restart.
and so......

pink piggy is for the 2 of us to save. brown bearie is for myself to save. slowly slowly, day by day... small amt will also become big amt. hehehhe.. hubby, better rem wad u promised when we decided to save together o... don commit the same mistakes the last time round. jiayou jiayou!!!!



happy 4.5 years anni :)


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