Saturday, June 14, 2008

BuSy WeeKeNd

wad da hell am i doing here so early in the morning?? i should still be sleeping or sitting on the sofa comfortably watching tv... it's a SAT morning leiiii!!
but.. no choice.. too many things to do this wkend. later going out with hubb to buy his ICT stuff... then tonite will be father's day dinner... tmr even more busy, 2 weddings to attend. actually 1 is solemnisation @ marina mandarine... the other is wedding dinner @ novotel.. lucky the timing doesnt clash.. go for the solemnisation 1st then after tt to the dinner. i wouldnt want to miss either one! but then... y so qiao on the same day ne???? if diff days then i can enjoy more, no need to rush and can eat more.. hahahhahah.. anyway solemnisation is for my uni fren, anthony.. he's only 2 yrs older?? and already settling down... so scary.. as for the wedding dinner, is for my colleague at work.. all the v best!!!!
actually even with so many things on, i also don need to wake up so early de rite? the darn thing is.... i was the 'secretary' for the last dept meeting and now, i have to churn out tt bloody minutes!!! argghh ~ how suay... juz when my wkends r full of programs, im stuck with a report.. when im sooo free on wkends, i got nothing to do. wad irony.. worse still, i still have a whole lot to read up on my FTT.... only 2.5wks left.. considering whether to defer it or not.. i don wanna go unprepared.. "when u go unprepared, u are prepared to fail"... wah, lihai ba..?
anyway, should have used office time to do the minutes.. but.. too engrossed in hitting the targets le.. so no choice, have to bring home to do.. haii... really don like the idea of having my personal time eaten up by work stuff.. i guess im not cut-out to be a nu qiang ren.. or rather, the pay doesnt justify. o well, im digressing.. every meeting will change secretary, it'll be a long time till it's my turn again. so, doesnt matter. juz once in a loooong while... should not complain so much over such small issue.
ok.. going to eat breakfast 1st b4 i start on the minutes. hope can finish it soon. the meeting was last wk monday... gonna churn it out soon else the bosses will be questioning me le! cannot let tt happen!!!!!
o yeah, and tis busy wkend is gonna make me missed the zhong yi da ge da and the finals for the wei wo du zhun.. though the latter will have repeat (and no guarantee tt i'll get to watch), but the former no more repeat le!! argghh, y are all gd programmes sqz in this wekend????

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