Thursday, June 12, 2008


tdy went eat with hubb at the hawker centre @ chinatown... sitting at the table beside us was an uncle with a young lady. didnt occur to me.. but hubb said he should be those peh-peh with nothing but cpf $ and time. anyway.. it din bother me.. so we juz ordered the food and eat lorr..
halfway thru the meal, a man suddenly walked towards tt couple. i noticed the man cux he was sitting at the table in front of me all the while. he wasnt anything special, so i tot he juz sat there to take a rest, until he walked over to the couple. and..... he actually asked the couple if he could have the food tt was leftover by them. actually, there really wasnt any leftovers, juz a little bit of horfun left. and he went over to ask if he could have tt bit of food.... at tt pt of time, my tears juz rolled down..... no joke, no exaggeration, no drama... really, my tears juz rolled...
the peh-peh said there's no more food left. then he told the man to go order the horfun and he'll pay for it.. the man happily went... when the food came, he again asked the peh-peh if he could have tt left-over horfun. the young lady passed the plate over and the man gladly mixed the leftover horfun with the newly cooked horfun and ate. then i overheard the peh-peh asking the man where he came from.. the man then sd he's from indonesia and they started to spk in malay.....
then, juz b4 the peh-peh left, he gave the man a $10 note. the man then took the other plate tt they left behind and tried to see if there's any meat left.. and the whole plate of horfun, he ate till not a bit left...
many feelings....feel v sad for the man. he's maybe abt 50+? quite tall, quite gd-built. not shabbily dressed, but can see his outfit is quite old. i saw the desperation in him. after thinking for a while, i tot he mite be a cheat, going ard cheating pple to treat them food.. but then again, he alr got the fresh horfun, y bother to eat the leftovers by strangers? at tt pt, i think he's truly hungry and no $. he's also a human being, with pride and dignity... but yet.. he had to go tt low, to ask pple for leftover food... to eat pple's leftover... i really feel vvvv sad... y is this happening? some pple can have all the luxuries in the world... while some pple cant even afford a single meal... and had to eat food tt is abandoned by total strangers.....
for those who directly ask pple for $$, they may be cheats. but for the man, i truly feel sorry. 1stly, he did not ask for $. 2ndly, he did not ask for anything except for the food which pple dont want. hence, i think, he's not cheat. wanted to buy him a drink... but did not.. wanted to give him $... but did not... wanted to give him the 2 MARS bar in my bag... but did not... haiii.... im such a failure.. dont even have the guts to help pple...
as for the peh-peh.. i really admire him. hubb said he got alot of $ wad... true.. but.... so wad? have alot of $ doesnt mean he has to spend on a total stranger rite? i think the peh-peh v magnamious. though small money, but can really c if a person is a person with heart or not... kudos to the peh-peh!
as for the poor man.. all the v best to him... actually, i also don know wad is he doing in singapore or wad he can do in singapore.. haiii....
and tdy, went to cut hair. wanted to trim the damaged ends only ... but tt damn woman juz ka-cha my hair w/o anybody biz...! so darn pissed.. i din want so short de... tt woman.. don even bother to ask me.. juz cut and tt's it... arrghh!!!!! there goes my hair which i tried soooo hard to grow.. haiiiiiiiiiiiii

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