Sunday, June 8, 2008

JaPaN DaY 6 & 7 - 16/4/08 & 17/4/08

finally reached the last 2 days of the japan trip. last 2nd day was to disneyland. b4 going, sis kept telling me how fun the disneyland in tokyo is, and perhaps cuz of tt, my expectation was v high. and hence, i will say, im actually quite disappointed when i experienced it myself.

i will say, it's more or less the same as the one in HK. the themes also quite the same... many said the one in HK is not comparable... but i don feel so leii.. i think it's the same. or maybe, it's not the 1st visit, hence not as fascinated... and as always, the 1st experience will always be more special. hence maybe tt affected my judgement. i think it's a wrong choice to go disneyland. should have gone disneysea instead. the one and only in the world. i still think the guide purposely 'coax' us to go to land instead of sea.... i guess it's easier to bring all of us to the same place and fetch all of us from the same place, rather than some at land, some at sea. o well... wadever.. hopefully next time still got chance then can visit sea.
basically we only took 2 rides.. the queue is juz toooooo long. queue till soooo sian... we should have used the fast pass once we reached. by the time we decided to use the fast pass, it's still too late le....

one of the rides tt we rode.. generally the rides are quite kiddish. luckily we tried one thrilling de..but the queuing part is more than enuff to stop us from riding other rides le... so super long..
the various themes...

photos with the characters.. many are too hot.. cant even have a chance to go near.. so mostly took with those ulu characters.. better than nothing.. lol~ *

played this shooting game... cousin esmond is real gd at tt.. marksman.. won us many souvenirs.. tt's us with our score cards.. im the lousiest. neber my flair in shooting games..
the v beautiful tulips...

the yummy lunch in disneyland... it's neber easy to order when u cannot communicate with the pple...

look at the neatly arranged prams.. i wonder y japan is facing the problem of decreasing birth rates.. there are soo many young parents with >1 kids! it seemed to us tt japanese marry early and give birth early and usually, it's more than 1 kid.. if so, how then can there be decreasing birth rates? perhaps, this is only a small part tt we see. afterall, it's in disneyland tt we saw this phenomenon. if we dont see kids, then i think disneyland can close shop liaooo..

did not manage to catch the summary, nothing v impressive with the tokyo disneyland. to me, it's the same as the one in HK. maybe the one in HK is better.. i think communication plays a v big part.. if u cannot understand the language, it's really v hard to enjoy... so maybe tt's y i think i still prefer the one in HK..
last day nothing much le. we were brought to this shopping mall to do some last min shopping.. tt's my last lunch in japan.. even the food courts in shopping malls use the vending machine system. u dont order from human beings but from machines.. then they will hand u this device tt is like an alarm clock. when the device sounds, then u go back and collect ur food.. stunned. ~
our tour guide in japan. someone who always 'warn' us to be on time, to go only straight in and straight out and not turn else we'll definitely lost our way, someone who can be quite crude and too straightforward at times. many complained against him.. but i guess.. i can understand his stress and pressure. ours was a v big grp, with one on wheelchair, and one with walking stick. the itinery was v packed. like wad he said, to us, the itinery is a schedule, but to him and the company, the itinery is a contract. if he fails to deliver wad is in the itinery, we have every right to lodge complains and seek compensation. so seriously, we cant blame him for rushing us, for giving us so little time, for over-emphasizing on being on-time and dont lost our ways etc.. i used to think being a tour guide is fun.. but if u really think deeper, i guess it's one of the worse jobs ever. salut to all tour leaders! o, and i really thank him when we bought the new luggage and had some prob with the luggage. went to the salesperson and as usally, communication broke down! he was the one who helped run in and out of the shop to see how to solve the prob.. can see tt he really did try to help. on tt note, i think he's afterall, quite a nice person.
the dinner on board.. tt egg was actually the dessert. something like agar agar. interesting ~
finally back in singapore!
in summary, i will say i really did not enjoy alot becuz of the many reasons, said or unsaid. basically bought nothing except food, a pair of shoes, and some small souvnirs. am quite glad to come back to singapore at tt pt of time actually. anyway, think it will be quite some time b4 i can travel to japan again le.. so ex.. my bonus almost all gone in this trip.. see how ba.. hopefully the next time i go, i can have a better experience. :)

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