Wednesday, August 12, 2020

NaTioNaL DaY 2020

oh yes, national day this year is really different.... lol

early in the morning parade liao... then everything like super half-strength.... duh..

time flies xia. 2017, 2018 were both staycations. 2019 went on agean paradise cruise. and now, 2020!! actually, every year's NDP is quite special for me.. will celeb somewhere somehow... oh and back in 2012 was hubb's proposal to me. and 2013 was at mbs choco buffet...  hahahahahaha

tada, caught the fighter jets and flag fly-past in the morning at our estate. 

see if u can spot the fighter jets! was expecting loud loud fighter jets sound, but turned out to be quite silent leh.... surprising...

and then, went downstairs to catch the mobile column around 12plus.. haha.. we really very free ahhhh


and waited.....under the big hot sun....

in the end, saw the live update and saw the mobile column was still quite a distance away, so, we walked back to the bus stop to rest while waiting..... 

waited till siannnz. kekkekkeke

and finally! tada!!

ok la, quite impressive la. good to let the kids take a look 

and then back home for our annual ndp photo-taking. LOL

and steamboat for dinner! leftovers from the steamboat session last week. haha

din catch the night concert nor the fireworks... though it was said that there will be fireworks in our estate, the exact location wasnt said. so we were hoping we can see it from our flat... but nah, no chance. 

happy national day!!

oh yeah, and this was taken some days back when we were happily dancing to the national day song this yr.

this rayous was telling me that they danced to this song in school. so, we also happily danced at home! 


quite fun leh, can sweat and exercise at the same time. 


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