Sunday, August 19, 2018

NaTionaL Day 2018

happy national day!

like last year, we had a staycation at fullerton hotel. and this time round, we brought dear ah di along. woohoo! 

and this year, hubb upgraded the room where there is balcony view. so we can just view the fireworks from the balcony at our own comfort, unlike last year where we had to go to the roof top.. 

ordered room service.. hungry.. 

chicken and steak


the red lions. saw they off the helicopter.... 

the little boy looking at the parade.. 

unfortunately, though 1yr older, he's still as scare!!!! of the cannon firing and the fireworks!!!

look at him!!! hiding!!!

and then it just got too loud and overwhelming for the 2 boys. so we decided to close the door and view from inside the room instead. heng ah! still can hide inside the room. LOL

my 2 little men

and then was an ice-cream treat at the restaurant...

like last yr, the kids are entitled to free ice-cream a scoop a day

and then also had our welcome drink at the lounge

breakfast buffet the next morning. really not easy dining w 2 kids. grrr

and this yr, the mascot bear apparently has a girlfriend! haha. last yr only 1 bear. this yr, 2! 

vintage royce rolls

no swim this yr, cuz too rush liao. but also good la, cuz it was very hot that day and super crowded that day also. 

apparently next yr ndp will be at the padang and hubb is already looking at a suitable hotel to stay at liao. ha. 

we've been balloting so many yrs for the ndp tix, but always no luck. but then if we really get the tixs, guess next yr, it still will be overwhelming for didi. 

ok, anyway, next yr then see how ba. 


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