Monday, August 31, 2020

Ahhhhh.. Siannnx. Checking out today liaoooo.. Boohoooo... 

Anyway, day 2 of our stay

No more self service buffet breakfast liao.. 

Just choose and tick off the menu....boohooo.

My little man

My big man

And our wedding anni gift 

Engraved pens 

Oh hohoho

And to the pool!! 

Our double kissing action! 

Then went back room to nap b4 heading out for dinner. Ate at this Mui Kee congee house at Shaw House. A small little eatery with HK feel. Haha

After that came back and had an early mooncake festival celeb. 

Yea, bought their snowskin mooncake to try. 

OK, got 4 flavours, but some are nicer than the others. Overall so so la. 

Yeap, later going to check out liao. Late check out at 3pm.

 Our bf juz now

Ahhh. In the past when I 1st heard abt staycay, I felt its really a waste of money. Boliao la, spend money stay in local hotels, for what xia? 

But actually once in a while is quite fun la. Esp now that we cannot travel. Just take 2days off to rest n relax. Eat and do something diff. And good to stay in a hotel in town, v convenient!

Next time can try stay in a sentosa hotel. Perhaps got more holiday feel. 


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