Saturday, August 1, 2020

Why why whyyyyyy nobody told me after cutting chilli padi and garlic, the hands will burn like fire????!


Yes, I should have known better but somehow..... It just didn't occur to me!!!

Omg, the burning was horrible!!

Washed with soap, washed with salt, washed with ice, put aloe Vera, all were temporary relieve only!

Once stop, the burning sensation will come back.

Then read online and said to soak in milk. 

Lucky got some strawberry milk at home. 

Omggg max. 

Have to keep moving the hands, else, it's stinging pain. 

Putting them under the fan helps too. 

Wah lao, took me almost an hr before the sensation finally passed. 

Omg maxxxxx

I swear I will NEVER EVER cut chilli and garlic with bare hands again. And never to be so garang as to sweep the seeds away w bare hands. 


Really got to be careful in future!! 

And lucky not the kids who kenna. 

Really don't know how to help if kids kenna xia. 

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