Monday, August 28, 2017

StayCaTioN @ FullerToN HoTeL

haha, honestly, i was expecting this yr's national day to be a sad one, cuz it's soooo damn close to the end of my maternity leaves. i remembered looking at the calendar before i went on leaves, and secretly saying to myself that by ND, i should be quite sad liao. haha.

but, ok la. ND not as sad as i tot. cuz hubb brought us to staycation!

as said, since cannot travel overseas, so money used on staycationing le lor.

fullerton hotel!

sorry, never bring didi along, cuz dont think the loud firework is suitable for him. so, ND was also the first night raythorous was away from me. ok, being 2nd time, it's definitely less emo than the 1st time when rayous was away from me. hahahah.

at the balcony of our room, can see the pool right outside our room. the pool is small and nothing impressive, but... it's a very 'special' pool for me. will explain later.

our room's at the back

the boy, as always, 手多脚多... always playing w stuff that he shouldnt be playing w....

our in-room dining.

as expected, the hotel food are freaking and unreasonably expensive. they are charging like what, $10 for a nissin cup noodle, and $12 for an in-room dining coke?? that kind of crap pricing ok! so, i dont know about u, but i will definitely not pay such unreasonable high price. what nasi lemak, laksa, chicken rice.... these things are soo affordable at hawker centres, so it will really be stupid if we were to eat these at the hotel.

and so, we ordered steak and ribs. at least, these things are about equally expensive if we were to eat outside..

the steak, $60+. yummy! but the rice.... very 'indian' style.. haha

and the ribs, $50+. the meat abit tough though..

i tot the butter was quite special. haha

the boy is sure enjoying!

and he gets to collect a scoop of ice-cream daily! the pass is still with us, wondering if we can still go and collect ice-cream, even though we r not staying there anymore. haha.

the stay also entitled us access to the roof-top where free-flow drinks are served..

the boy,  disturbed by the cannons firing..

yes, he was really disturbed by the loud cannons firing..

after that, we went to collect his ice-cream and went back to our room to rest awhile, before returning to the roof-top for the fireworks.

think the boy was too disturbed previously liao, that he kept asking us to leave the roof-top when we returned for the fireworks.. 

and i suspected he kind of psychoed himself to sleep while waiting for the fireworks.. haha.

the fireworks!


and the little boy really slept throughout the fireworks! if u can just feel how tight he was holding on to me. dont know is real sleep or forced sleep.

after firework, we went chill at the bar. the boy is all happy again!

buffet breakfast the next morning. yumm yummm.

spot me in the pic!

and though it was quite rush, we still went for a quick swim in the pool, b4 having to check out at 12noon. 

this pool is just a small rectangular pool, but it's really special, becuz at 1 corner of my office, can look out to see this pool. whenever i go to that corner to collect print-outs or scan/fax stuff, i will look at this pool and really envy those pple swimming at that hour while im stuck in the cold office.. 

so, very happy that i also got a chance to swim in there. next time look out to this pool, wont be so sore liao. will remember swimming there w hubb and boy. kekeke. 

and the pool is really dirty inside la. got alot of dark particles... so bad so that i dont even wanna open my mouth underneath the water.. eiyer.. 

yup, so that's our 1 night staycation on national day. 

happy =) 

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