Sunday, August 16, 2020

OnLinE ShoppiNg


im so dammn hooked on to buying stuff online! 

buying something almost everyday! 

but i sort of changed platform from qoo10 to shopee liao. 

apparently more shit to buy on shopee and also cheaper! 


and last time, have to deliver to MIL's place cuz no one is at home to collect the delivery ma. then every time have to check with her if the delivery has arrived and go to her house to collect. very troublesome. then also dont want her to know i keep buying things.....

but now, different liao! can juz deliver to our house cuz im wfh and can collect!!! LOLLLLL

so, another super happy buy!! 


yesss, been wanting to buy a standalone one-seater sofa or chair for the longest time. u see, our sofa at home is only a 3-seater. but there are 4 of us right.... can sqz la, but squeezy lor. so been wanting to buy an additional comfortable one-seater to solve this issue. and tada, managed to find this online. LOL

not bad right..

but most of the time kenna hi-jacked by the kids.. duh. 

and then.... another proud buy


yesss! next time go swimming no need to bring so many things liao. just wrap and go!!! lol!!!

bought one for hubb and the children too! actually i bought for the children 1st. then realised why dont we buy for ourselves too huh? so yep. bought for ourselves too. hahaha

and then the red chair which i bought came with a pilow right? but i realised one pillow is not enough. cuz need 1 for the neck, another 1 for the lap. so how??

search online lor!


tea leaves pillow!! nice!

also bought many other things ahhh.... like masks la, shorts la, t-shirts la, bags la, make-ups la, toys la, and even food! believe it or not!

all very cheap de la... so very happy... cheap and good buy. hahahhahahah. 

shop online really quite fun... can compare and compare and compare non-stop... all at the comfort of home... own time own target...


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