Monday, July 3, 2017



im back to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! v happy!!! 

 ok la, it's the pre-2nd-pregnancy- weight. as for the pre-1st-pregnancy weight.. ermm... im still quite a bit away. 

after giving birth to rayous, i never went back to my pre-preg weight liao. despite breastfeeding, despite going back to work, despite this, despite that, i never did lose that additional 5kg from having rayous. 

really super sad. 

lucky this time round, i have lose all the weight from carrying raythorous! heng ahh! 

i suppose controlling and eating home-cooked food do help??

at least i get to control what i eat and the amount of oil/salt/sugar etc that go into the food. 

remb my first maternity, i relied mostly on junk food to survive. now w a helper, can ask her to cook more nutritious and healthy food for me. but that of cuz translate to higher 火食費 la... haiz 

yeah, so the next target is to go back to the pre-1st-pregnancy-weight. 

jiayou!!!!!!!!!! jiayouuuu!!!!! 

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