Friday, July 14, 2017

Rayous's 2nD BirThDay

my little boy is officially into the terrible 2 stage! ahahahahahah

left didi at MIL's place and then brought him all the way to this indoor water playground at punggol safra. apparently, it's the one and only indoor water playground in sg wor... 


as usual, he was quite apprehensive with the big playground and was quite contented playing with the kiddish water sprays.. hahaa. 

but i must say the big slides are really quite scary la. pitch dark all inside. i guess must at least 6yrs and above then can take it.. 

and weekday really very few pple nia.. so good to go out on weekdays.. dont have to sqz and q like mad shit.. 

wad could be better than a cool ice-cream after working out in the pool? hahah

after that we went to swensens at imm.  they will give this complimentary bday ice-cream on yr bday =) 

and then back to MIL's place to cut his bday cake..

police car cake from prima deli. this little boy is kidda into police cars these days, so bought him this cake with this design. customised w durian fillings inside. darn shioook. 

with ah ma and yeye

and with papa and mama =)

and with didi, of cuz

happy birthday little boy!!!

ok, and then.. i had been prepping him for sooooo long..... that we will have a 'throw-away-tutu' ceremony after cake-cutting. but.........that never happened!!!!

ahhhh! im weak! 

but seriously, tutu (aka pacificer la) really does create wonders. it really reeaally reeeaaaalllllyyyyy can calm a kid down. or at least it works for rayous la. 

honestly i hate him sucking on pacifier but i also succumbed to it after seeing the 'wonders' that it can do. 

then i kept telling myself and rayous that we will throw all the tutu away once he reaches 2yo. 

but, ytd.. still did not throw... cuz... really scare of the 'aftermath' of really not having tutu anymore.  

actually now, he will only ask for it when he wants to sleep or when he's in distress. other than that, he never suck de. then once he's asleep, we will remove it. but sometimes, in the middle of the night, he will make noise and ask for the tutu.. so if we really go cold turkey, i really worry that he will not fall back to sleep and continue being cranky and then wake didi up... and then all of us no need to sleep liaooo.. 


since he only sucks on it during sleeping time and when he's in distress, so not that bad la right? not as if he's sucking on it day and night and all the time....... right?????????

but i really hope to wean him off soon. but without this comfort item, what will happen when he's distress? what can calm him down?? grrrrr

read before that we can actually poke hole on the pacifier or apply some nasty tasting stuff on the pacifier so that the kid will stop 'loving' it. 

will probably try that soon. hopefully with that, he will stop asking for it.... 


ok, anyway, happy birthday again boy! 

wean off yr tutu soon ok! 

mummy wishes u to be a happy and healthy boy ok!!

love u!

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