Saturday, July 8, 2017

PeRsoNaL GrOoMinG foR RaYous


rayous finally let me cut his nails proper today! 

such great achievement xia! 

yeah, in the past, i always had to wait till he's fast asleep, before i can cut his nails. 

and by fast asleep, i really do mean fast asleep. 

there were many times whereby the mission of cutting his nails while he was sleeping still failed, becuz apparently, he was still quite 'alert' despite sleeping. i will try to cut and he will keep his fingers into a fist and not allow me to cut.. even when he's sleeping! really OMG ok!  even the slightest action will put him on alert mode. best. 

the worse period was when i was preggie. cuz cannot cut things on the bed ma... so... i can only cut his nails when he fell asleep on me on the sofa, or when he fell asleep in the car. if he fell asleep on bed, i will have to carry him off the bed before i can cut for him. 

then i will get super stress if i failed to cut his nails over the wkend, cuz the next time i can cut for him, will be the next wkend liao. and by then, his nails will be v long and sharp liao. 

and when he scratches himself, i will kenna blamed for not cutting his nails. diaoo. 

so today, unexpectedly, he agreed to let me cut his nails and.... he really did! 


v happy. 

unfortunately, he also agreed to go cut his hair. however, when we reached the salon, he refused to get his hair cut again..... 


honestly, i had only brought him to cut hair once. that time was when he was around 8 months, i think? 

it was a nightmare, really. 

he cried and cried and cried like hen kenna slaughtered like that. i honestly did not expect that. 

since then, i never bring him liao. it's always MIL who brought him to cut. and every time, he will cry like mad shit. and there was 1x when he cried till he vomitted and MIL also kenna the vomit. OMGGGGG.

now, even MIL also gave up liao. apparently, he will start making a din even before entering the salon! 

so today, i tried talking to him to have his hair cut. he agreed wor. throughout the day, i kept asking him and prepping him, and he was ok. however, when we reached the salon, he refused to cut again! the salon got this seat in the design of a vehicle to attract the kids. he was ok to sit on the vehicle after a bit of coaxing. but when the hairdresser came close, he was fully on his alert mode again. and he went hysterical when the hairdresser tried to put on the cloth on him. we tried coaxing him for soooo loong, but he simply refused to have his hair cut.


like that hooooowwwwww???

really must resort to ownself cut??

or just let the hair grow long??????

super frustrating.... grrr

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