Saturday, July 29, 2017

Trip... NexT YeaR!

ok, i know this is super kiasu. 

but we just booked a flight to taiwan. 

in...... april next year!!!


well, hubb has got krisflyers points expiring in aug. so if want, gotta book now. 

and, yep, we just did! 

will be travelling with the 2 boys and mum and dad! 


had always wanted to bring mum to taiwan cuz she always said she wanna go taiwan. 


the plan now is to book a driver in taiwan, so our transport will be fully taken care of. no rush, no need to walk like mad shit, no need to sqz in public transport. 

lotsa planning and logistics to do liao.

last yr HK/Macau was 1 kiddo with 2 folks. 

next yr will be 2 kiddos with 2 folks! 


ok, looking forward! 

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