Wednesday, June 28, 2017

OuTinGs with RaYous

MIL and FIL were out of town for about a week, some 2 weeks back. so hubb took half-day leaves everyday and we took the opportunity to bring rayous out to play! 

yeah, i did say i will make it up to him de right.. 

so on tuesday, we went to this indoor playground - cool de sac - at suntec city. seen this place before and i told myself that one day, i will definitely bring rayous here to play. finally did. yay!

that time preggy, so cannot play w him.. but now, also cannot really play with him, cuz have to carry didi. hahahah. but at least now can 'change hand' la. if i want to play w rayous, i can pass didi to hubb to carry and vice versa. 

but it will be difficult if we want to both play with him. can let the helper carry didi la, but im not that comfortable. so minimize that la huh. 

it's quite a huge place.. and also can play video games and wii inside. haha. hubb and i had a little fun time playing mario. LOL

the entrance fee arent expensive, but the food inside are! we spent like almost $70 on the food inside.. and crappy food lo.. the pizza.... the skin thick until like bread liao... and the mac and cheese, really nothing, but mac and cheese only and costed $9.80 if i remb correctly.. diaoo.. 

 on wed, we went to science centre. already told hubb that rayous is too young for science centre, but he insisted, so go ahead lo. 

and indeed, he's really too young la. but ok la, run here run there, touch here touch there also an exposure ma.. 

on thursday, we went to this indoor playground at big box. 

this slide is seriously a killer. it was so steep and fast, that i almost cried after i slided down lo. not exaggerating ok. hubb got a bit of 'bruises' after trying to shield rayous from the sliding. haha. 

this indoor playground is more on slides. there are many slides inside. then have to do alot of climbing, crawling, that kind. honestly, i think im a little claustrophobic. dont really like to squeeze and crawl through those tiny tunnels. and not to mention, it's really tiring! cuz everything is small and short, most of the time, adults will have to bend and squat. super tiring xia. 

and i feel that rayous may still be too young for these indoor playgrounds. he's quite apprehensive when it comes to climbing, going through the tunnels, going down the slides etc. and not to mention that there are so many other older kids running and cheonging about. 

in the end, he's quite contented with juz riding the cars..

and playing in the ball pool. hahaha

yep, so after concluding that he's not utilising the facilities of the indoor playgrounds to the max, we decided not to spend anymore money on the entrance fees liao. instead, we went to this free playground at JEM on friday. haha. 

ok la, it's not the typical kind of playground per se la. just a few structures there for kids to climb only. should have went to the one at westgate. looks more interesting. 

yup, i guess he enjoys so long we bring him out to see see walk walk. haha. 

ok, wait till he's older then will bring him to indoor playgrounds again. 3 or 4yo should be a more suitable age. 

and by then got didi to run and chase after him too. hahah. 

looking forward to the day when i can just leave the 2 of them to play in the playground on their own while i slowly sip my afternoon tea away... 



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