Tuesday, July 18, 2017


grandma's gone. 


11子女 - 4男7女

2媳妇, 6女婿, 15孙, 6孙婿/媳, 6曾孙


although i still cannot comprehend how pple in the olden days can give birth to so many children. 

11 pregnancy and birth............and...... without epidural......


and how to take care of sooooo many kids???????

now 2 kids only and need maid, need car, need this need that... 

and i dont suppose they use a breast pump back then. so how to survive through the breastfeeding period??

seriously, how did the pple in olden times survive? 

they must have been so much more resilient and strong than us now. 

RIP granny. 

must 保佑 all your descendants ok. 

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