Friday, September 12, 2008

Silly FruiTLesSnEss

had the monthly dept meeting tdy. one of the most heated meeting ever since i joined the company. or rather, it's not one of the most heated.... it's the most heated.
so many different viewpoints, each arguing for own stand. then pple digressing away and started discussing their own issues.. everybody started talking within themselves.... soooo noisy... sooo bizarre..
i always tot it's issues with other departments.. but in fact, there are soo many internal conflicts going on...
somehow... everyone seemed to have their own agendas.. everyone trying to cover their own asses.. trying to push things away...
to me.. things are getting more and more absurd and more and more senseless.
i juz hope those pple who are ever so unsatisfied with the mgmt, with the company, can leave soon. juz shut up and go away and stop affecting the morale of others. if so unhappy, wad for stay on? if want to stay on, then wad for talk nonsense and influence others?
really kan4 bu4 shuang3.
anyway, as usual, i'll juz do wad i can. if unhappy, can always come to my desk and talk to me.
ha~ it's really more than meet the eyes huh???

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