Sunday, September 14, 2008

MoOnCaKe FesTiVaL

it's mooncake festival again. feels extraordinarily quiet this year. it's juz like any other normal day. if dont mention, wont even know it's the mooncake festival. o well.. all the chinese festivals like getting less and less celebrated and remembered. mm.. ~

tmr's monday again. sianz. y does the wkend have to pass so quickly? 2 days passed juz like tt. haii... okay, wkdays pass equally fast.. but... it's juz sian lar.. u know, have to work 5 days juz for tt 2 days break.. not in equilibrium leii..
i juz hope it'll be a gd week ahead. monday pls pass quickly. once monday is over, the rest of the days will zoom past.

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