Sunday, September 14, 2008

ChoiCes In LiFe

read in the newspaper ytd, tt there's this 30-yr old guy jobless guy who beat up the 58-yr old mother after getting drunk and the mother had no choice but to call up the police and have the son arrested. it was reported tt the son was a drop-out in school since pri-2, is jobless and is a drinker and will turn violent after getting drunk. the family is being supported by the meagre pay of the 2 parents, both 58, 1 being a dish-washer and the other a cleaner.
so there really are such hopeless people in this world huh? 30 years old and still living off the old parents. unable to get a job (or maybe doesnt want to), no money yet still want to drink and get drunk and violent. seriously, who's fault isit? the parents? cuz they failed to bring up the son properly, letting him drop out of school at the age of 8, allowing him to indulge in himself for the past 30 years? ... or the son? cuz he chose to lead such a 'useless' and aimless life? indeed, low qualifications = lower options in life. but he can be a cleaner, a driver, a hawker helper, a labourer etc rite? i mean, tough work but at least it's decent and fetching income rite? perhaps, it's juz easier said than done. im not him, i dont know wad kind of difficulties there are.
reading the papers, my thought flow again. cant help but compare him with the hi-fliers customers in my profile. the same 30-years old.... but some are sooo high up there.. but some are perhaps, lower than where hell is.. why?
then some days back, there's this 16 or 17-yr old student who drove w/o license and tt sent him on his way to meet the lord. again, whose fault issit? the brother who failed to keep the car keys properly? the parents who failed to discipline the boy properly? the school who failed to educate the boy? the government, the public, the society who failed to create greater awareness? or isst the boy himself who chooses to do such stunt and pay for it?
seriously, im sorry to say tt, but he really deserves it. it's big fortune tt he did not crash some other pple, else really 害人害己. at such a young age already doing something so reckless and brainless. it's only right that he pays for his actions. to me, driving w/o license is more irresponsible than drunk-driving. esp now tt im taking driving lessons.. there's no way u can driver properly w/o going thru proper training. for those idiots out there who thinks tt u can drive juz cause you can come in 1st in a darn daytona game, pls wake up your freaking idea!
i guess in life, there are things which we can control and there are things which we cannot. there are things which we can choose and there are things which we cannot choose. for those tt we cannot choose, let's juz pray tt the guy up there will arrange something gd for us. for those tt we can choose, then it's really up to the individuals. for every choices made, you have to bear the responsibilities and the consequences.
remember... u have a choice.. and if u failed to make a good one, then face the consequences urself. one have to be responsible for one's actions.

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