Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i once tot tt being a mrt train driver will be the best job ever cuz they dont have to face customers, they dont have quotas to meet, they juz stay in their little control room and make sure everything's on time will do le..
but.. im wrong..
i juz did a complaint juz now. was on the train from TPY to Raffles Place. then gotta change train at RP. when my train arrived at RP, the train opposite (heading Boon Lay) was waiting for the commuters to board. when the door of my train opend, the commuters opposite were still boarding. so naturally, those on my side chiong to get on board tt train. then the toot-toot-toot-toot sound came on and the door closed knocking onto me and another gal. then a few others were shut off and they couldnt board!
i mean... wad da hell lorr?
cant tt bloody fellow see the hell lot of us trying to rush and get on board? cant he juz wait for a little while more?? and.. doesnt they take a last look at the passageway to make sure tt there's no more exiting/entering b4 they shut the doors???? lucky me and tt gal managed to sqz thru. if nt the train mite as well drag us along! tt gal was worse off then me la. i got a knock on my left arm but tt gal kidda sqz by the door. wth ~
complaint @ the control station. but not too sure if they'll take it seriously. perhaps i should drop an email to smrt. but again... do they really care?
sometimes, it juz doesnt make sense lor. experienced a number of times when our door opened and we rushed for the opposite train but the train will juz shut up and leave. even when the train is rather empty and we r already halfway there, the train will still shut and leave. doesnt make economical sense. super irritating also. know they have to run on schedule... but.. we r already halfway there! cant even wait for 1 min?????!!!!!!
sometimes.. i juz don understand wad is this world coming to.

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