Friday, September 5, 2008

FaiLinG MeMorY

some conflicts btw me and hubb. i think our memory are really failing us. perhaps time passes too fast, too many things happening.. so cannot remember the little little details already. i said my points, he said his points.. but none of us can remember wad happened exactly. i'm too tired and irritated to think further. it's really frustrating when u tried recalling something which u cannot remember. and so, i've decided to juz leave it behind.
once heard or read from somewhere tt the brain tend to link up bits and pieces of originally unrelated stuff into something tt is related. say for example, i remember talking to Ms. A. Then i also remember someone told me "im tired". somehow or another, the brain will put the 2 pieces of info together and come up with the impression tt Ms. A was the one who said "im tired". but actually it's Mr B who said "im tired". but becuz there wasnt any memory of me talking to Mr B, hence Mr B totally disappear from the pic and it became Ms. A who said the sentence. get wad i mean??
Or perhaps, i remembered i visited the library. then i also remembered i bumped into Mrs. C somewhere. automatically, the brain will generate the idea that I met Mrs. C in the library. but in actual fact, i could have saw Mrs. C in the restauarant but becuz the restaurant wasnt 'stored' in my memory, hence it got out of the mind and the library became the substitute.
wah seii.. v impressive. i can be a physcologist liao.
anyway, it really doesnt who's right and who's not. looking 4ward, we'll juz note everything in black and white to avoid confusion.
anyway, hubb, i will give u the benfit of doubts. i dont think u will lie to me over such a small issue. i persisted in finding the 'truth' becuz i wanna get the facts right, not tt im doubting you. y would u lie to me over tt rite? but then there's no way to find the truth le.. cuz neither of us can remember wad happened. shit.. we r only in our early 20s leiiii.....
well.. don be angry with me le yeah. if u r the one who remb wrongly, then juz take it tt it's something for u. if i were the one who remb wrongly, then take it tt i've bullied u again.
dont let this small thing bother us okay. :)

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