Friday, September 19, 2008

B-DaY MorNinG

ta-dum! yeah... im on leave today.... it's my day afterall, rite?
but then.. i kidda regret the final decision. 'final' becuz initally, the plan was to take 1/2day leave, then i'll knock off at 1pm. hubb's got an impt presentation in school tdy, so he can only meet me ard 5pm. cant work full day cuz he's got some secret plans going on whereby the timing does not allow me to work till 6.30pm. and so, i decided intially to work half-day, to at least clear my profile at work. but then my colleagues started pyscho-ing me telling me how dumb it is to work on bday... how dumb it is to travel home after work then come out again in the evening etc etc... and so here im, doing nothing and wasting my time away.
i really shld have gone for the half day. was having great dilemmas ytd on the half-day or full-day leave thingie. in the end, i succumbed to the pyscho-ness. haii. i hope it doesnt affect my productivity much.. and hopefully on monday, i wont have to deal with the accumulation of acc/s in my profile. monday is blue enough.. i seriously do not need a tons of shit acc/s for me to deal with early in the morning. boo hoo~
well, freakish arent i? bday still worry abt work.. made a decision yet blame it on others.. made a decision then regret and be bothered abt it... im juz soooooo un-cool!
anyway, it's really ironic how things work. on working days and the alarm goes off, u'll hope sooo much u r off tdy then can continue sleeping. then half-awake, u'll start contemplating the possibility of taking urgent leave or taking mc. when u decided it's not ethical to do so, u'll freaking wake up and with closed eyes, visit the washroom and with half-opened eyes, sit on the chair and brush teeth. then u'll start to sigh at how pai-mia (bad life) u r. then the tots of taking mc or leave tmr will cross ur mind. and the nxt day, the cycle starts again.
finally comes the day whereby ur officially on mc or leave. but when the alarm goes off, surprisingly wad takes place everyday doesnt take place! the alarm went off, u tried to search for tt kind of tiredness u experience every morning, so tt u can fully enjoy the fact tt ur off and can continue slping, but somehow, it's not there. u know how cuiiii tt feels???
it's really super siann lar. i woke up the same timing i woke up every morning but not feeling the kind of sleepiness, the kind of longing to go back to slp.. wad da hell is going on here? then... all the more i felt tt i should be back at work...all the more i felt i have wasted the half-day leave. gosh.. this is all sooo wrong!
perhaps in the v 1st place, when the alarm went off, im already blaming myself for taking the half-day off. ytd nite im already asking myself if tt's a rite decision.. tt's y something is bothering me and hence i couldnt go back to slp... haiii~ im really freakish.
ytd was the 8th driving lesson. much better le. wil never forget the painful experience of 2nd lesson though. haha.. instructor is getting more and more stern n more and more impatient. natural cuz the expectation will go higher as the number of lesson increases. mistakes which took place in 2nd lesson shld not be taking place again in the 8th lesson. though he's no longer the patient and assuring instructor he used to be, i still admire him alot. i think he's v professional. he's able to control his temper, his tone, his emotions to fit each and every student at the different levels of learning.
say for example he has 3 students in a day. 1st student is at the 18th lesson, the next is at 2nd lesson, the last one is at 10th lesson. for the 1st one, he has to higher his expectation and attitude cuz the student is already at the 18th lesson. he has to be stern and unforgiving becuz at the 18th lesson, u really shouldnt be making any more non-sensical mistakes. then immediately after tt, he'll has to take the student who's at 2nd lesson. then his whole mentality has to adjust. he cannot be stern, he cannot be impatient, he cannot be unforgiving, he must be assuring cuz the poor guy is only at the 2nd lesson which most prob will be disastrous. then after tt, his mindset has to change again and adjust to the attitude tt shld be shown to a guy at the 10th lesson.
u see wad i mean?
hubb said it shld be tt way wad... true.. but he's a human being also lei.. how to adjust so easily?? hence, i sincerely feel he's very professional. at different stages, he knows how to treat the student. i will never forget how assuring and how patient he was with me on the initial lessons. now, though at times, i feel he's too fierce and too impatient, i still respect him alot. he should treat me tt way, else how will i learn, rite?
will try to take a pic with him one of these days..
such a long post.... juz goes to show how bo liao im.... uh-oh.

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