Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 - 大检阅

half day today... how i wished everyday's a xmas eve or ny eve -- juz work half day, then celebration and can go home. had buffet lunch tdy and the dept had a little lucky draw session. won myself a $20 Robinson's voucher. but then, i will prefer to win the hampers. i was one of the 1st few to be drawn out.. and as the norm goes, the 1st few are always the small prizes.. the big prizes r always left to be the last. aiyer... should be contented.. cannot so greedy..! $20's good enuff liao!!
ok.. last day of the year.. time to do some self-reflections. i will say 2007's a special year. besides marking 香港回归十周年 (though it's none of my business, haha), 2007 also marked many other things. it marked the official ending of my school life and the beginning of the working life. in 2007, i had completed my 15 yrs school life, i found myself a stable permanent job and started earning stable income and had the chance to go overseas 3x and the chance to go HK the 2nd time. also entered into the 4th yr with the fat boy. i will say 2007's a starting yr to many things, had brought me many new experiences and had broaden my horizons.
i will not set any targets or resolutions as i know most of the times, they will not be reached. haha.. im v weak ya? i will juz work hard in 2008, continue to earn more money, hopefully can travel to Japan and yeah, tt's abt all.
in 2008 and the many many years to come, i hope all those ard me wil be healthy and happy. i hope there'll be peace in the world and everyone's free frm wars, diseases, disasters.
and.. im soo looking forward to the arrival of the new member in the family. abt 2 more wks? hiak hiak hiak~

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