Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Xmas !!!

Ho ho ho... it's the xmas festive season again! yr by yr, the atmosphere's like getting less and less being felt. this yr's like "suddenly it's xmas again"... not much "mood" or excitment involved.. erm.. u all get wad i mean? maybe it's due to the fact tt the wk b4 xmas i was in BK then when back, i simply stayed at home until xmas eve, hence did not feel the xmas mood. hmm..
went back to work on monday xmas eve. surprised to see many presents on the desk. of cuz, it's not only my desk tt had many presents. all other desks had presents on them too. the dept's culture was for everyone to buy presents for everyone.. how duh ya? usually is draw lot, then u only buy for tt specific person whom u drew and all other pple r optional. but for here, i was told usually everyone will buy for everyone else. so of cuz there'll be many presents la.. but juz din expect them to leave the presents on the table even b4 the day started for work.
started work for a while, then slack for a while and had the xmas lunch ard 12 noon. lotsa food, all sponsored by the 3 immediate heads. include pizzas, sushi, salads, satay, log cake, turkey, wine etc. and then finally, we were released at abt 1pm. yeah!! if only everyday is xmas eve. basically go there and slack and celebrate only..
some pics of the celebration...


~the healthy sushi and salad~

~pizzas! yummy! ~

~the load of fruits which of cuz, cannot be finished in the end~

~the v beautiful and interesting log cake. in my fav choco flavour too! too bad i was too full to enjoy it le. only ate one small piece. should have left more space for it~

~the presents! yea~

went home after work to drop the presents off. then took a nap while waiting for hubby to come. went out again at abt 6+. ate dinner at the jap restaurant beside manhatten in plaza sing. never been there b4.. not too bad.. then watched "The Warlords" at 9+. not bad, quite a nice movie. by the time the movie ended and we left the theatre, it's already a few mins to 12am. then...... tt fat boy...... wanted to go to the toilet.... and..... there.....the toilet..... was where i counted down to 12am!! fat boy!!! thanks lor! how memorable can tt be huh! while everyone's counting down in the street, i was in the toilet! somemore no other person in the toilet lor. only me and me and me lor. wad the... *

actually the 2 of us also quite boring. every yr also spent it in orchard though every yr we will say "next yr we'll do something else and not come here to squeeze". how ironic rite? but this yr, did not exactly sqz la, since we spent most of the time in the cinema. it's juz many pple on the street (esp bangladeshi!), walking, some playing with the foam spray thing and making alot of noise. among all these "chaos".. i always feel the 2 of us being extremely small. i wonder why.. maybe it's cause most pple r in big grps while it's always only the 2 of us. v the miao xiao~


the 2 miao xiao us~ haha

alrite, here wishing everyone a very very merry xmas. hope all of you had enjoyed urself and of cuz, made good use of this hol to take a good break~ looking forward to the new yr now.. but b4 tt.... still have 3 more days of work!!! argh~

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