Saturday, December 1, 2007

1st day of the last mth of the year. woohoo ~ many public hols coming ahead. great~!
totally slack at home again. woke up at 10.30pm and started watching tv. watched tofu st frm 11-1pm, then taiwan variety show, zong yi da ge da frm 1-3pm. after tt took a nap till 6pm and then dinner and watch vcd till juz now. hahaa.. v relaxing hor?? too bad the day's coming to an end. if can continue to slack jiu hao le.
supposed to go out with mum today, but in the end did not. realised tt tofu street's quite a nice show. cant remember the storyline already... been soo long ago.. but i remembered it did not leave an impression in me. after so many years then watch again, then i realised it's quite a gd show afterall. maybe it's an example of the many things tt we learnt to appreciate only after a v long time? haha.. too bad tmr gotta work, cant catch tofu st and slack like today le.
and realised tt dramas in the past were all dubbed while now there's no dubbing and actors and actresses have to use their real voice. hmm... i think dubbing is better. though it's said tt using real voice is more natural, but i really think dubbing is better. maybe tt's y i feel tofu st is nice now. cuz now been watching singapore dramas with no dubbing and they really sux. so as compared, the old times dramas r better? mmm..

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